The Decepticon Army
The Decepticons are a military force from the planet Cybertron created and ruled by their founder: the charismatic, powerful, and ruthless tyrant known as Megatron. As Megatron's influence has spread across Cybertron, he has gathered many Cybertronian under his banner, forming what is now the Decepticon Army. Here, we are taking a look at the Decepticon Army and focusing on how it functions as a military force. This way, we can see how the many different personalities and groups within the Decepticons fit within their military hierarchy. Leadership At the top of the military structure is, of course, the leadership. This, of course, is where Megatron (aka Galvatron , depending on when you catch him) sits as the Supreme Commander of the Decepticon Military. It should come as no surprise that even Megatron cannot rule a military dictatorship all on his own. Like any good leader, he requires generals to oversee the day-to-day command structure. This is where we find other Decepticons l...