RANGE VIPER THREAT (GIJoe Essence20 rpg)
I've been thinking about a scenario that involves the use of Ranger Vipers from GIJoe. However, looking through the various sourcebooks, Range Vipers have not yet been built as a Threat. As such, here is my Range Viper Threat Build, based on their classic toy card description and their upgraded accessories provided with their GIJoe Classified action figure.
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Snail Nobra!
Regular infantry would come back from a mission with hopes of getting hot meals and shower when they arrive at base. Range-Vipers are different. Their barracks is not a four-sided building with a roof, it's out there on the cold hard ground made of whatever makeshift materials they can find. Their meals are whatever edible walking or crawling critter that comes along, and their water comes from the nearest river and stream. They are only provided their uniforms and basic weapons. Whatever else they need they have to hunt for, scour, raid, and steal from enemy outposts. These men and women are recruited from the most extreme of wilderness enthusiasts with a propensity for violence.
Range-Vipers generally report to Skullbuster, who reports to Baroness. Rock-Vipers are Range-Vipers specially trained for work in the Mountains.
Range Viper
Threat Level: 4
Size: Common Health: 4
Movement: 30 ft. Ground
Strength 4: Athletics +d4, Brawn +d2, Might +d2
Speed 3: Driving +d2, Targeting +d4
Smarts 5: Alertness +d2, Culture +d2, Science +d2, Survival +d4
Social 2: Streetwise +d4
Language: Usually English
Toughness: 15 Evasion: 13
Willpower: 15 Cleverness: 12
Bullet Stopper: The highest threat level Cobra in the combat gains a bonus to Evasion equal to the number of Cobras with the Bullet Stopper perk in the encounter with them. If the highest threat level Cobra has the Bullet Stopper perk, they do not count towards their own bonus to Evasion. If more than one Cobra in the combat is tied for highest threat level, the one who is in charge gains the bonus.
Grenade Launcher (Targeting): +d4, Range 100ft/200ft, min 30ft (1 Sharp damage Blast: 10ft radius, plus Trip)
Hands: 2
Traits: Anti-Tank, Indirect, Reload, Sharp, Wrecker
Hatchet (Might): +d2, Reach (1 Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Traits: Martial Arts, Sharp, Silent
Machine Gun (Targeting): +d4, Range 40ft/160ft min 10ft (1 Sharp damage)
Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage (↓1), 1 Sharp damage - Multiple Targets (2, 20ft cone, ↓1)
Hands: 2
Upgrades: Ammo Feeder, Forward Grip
Traits: Ballistic
Pistol (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1 Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Traits: Ballistic
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (1 Stun)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt Damage (↓1), Maneuver (↓1)
Traits: Blunt, Martial Arts, Silent
Terrifying Armor (Free Action): The Range Viper gives themselves a ↑1 on Intimidation Skill Tests until the end of their turn. This is based on an Armor Upgrade.
Versatile: As a Standard action, a Viper can ↑1 a Skill other than Initiative and Conditioning until the end of their next turn. A Viper can use Versatile to treat an untrained Skill as a d2 Skill, but not to gain a Specialization in a Skill.
Battledress: Tactical Armor (+1 deflection to Toughness) with Terrifying Upgrade; Weather Gear Upgrade (if needed)
Weapons: Artillery Lobber, Hatchet (Close Combat Blade with Multitool), Machine Gun (with Ammo Feeder and Forward Grip Upgrades), Pistol
Gear: Gas Mask, Limited Survival Kit for selected environment, Tactical Radio
Yo Joe!
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