
Defensor Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The contact build for today is the gestalt combiner form of the Protectobots: Defensor. TBH, I prefer Defensor to any other combiners in the Autobot ranks. Superion is fine and all, but he's better in his individual components, so the Aerialbots can do more against the Decepticons, who normally have the advantage in aerial combat. Meanwhile Defensor knows what he's there to do: protect others using his massive size and power. He's got the firepower to be a great warrior, but that's not his function. He primarily uses the skills of his gestalt form to aid and protect others; especially humans. As all of the other gestalt combiners are smashing each other to pieces, Defensor stands apart as the one who works to help others. You can also be a help to others if you help contribute to the GoFundMe campaign of Owen Stephens to help pay for his cancer treatments. DEFENSOR " As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free ." The combined form of the...

Streetwise Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The build for today is the final Protectobot: Streetwise. (Yes, I will be posting Defensor later) Please help my friend Owen and his fight with cancer . STREETWISE “ You have to know where you are before you know what to do .” Who's the black-and-white Protectobot That knows every street and parking lot? STREETWISE! Ya damn right! And who is the bot that would risk his spark For his brother bots? STREETWISE! Can you dig it? What interceptor won't back down 'Til his target's run to ground? STREETWISE! Right on! They say this cop car is a bad mother— SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I'm just talking about Streetwise! We can dig it! He's a combination bot, But no one gets to use him but Defensor*! STREETWISE! Influences Gestalt Member, Investigator, Security: Nothing escapes his notice... amazing capacity to adapt to understand his environment. Origin Champion: Streetwise assumes the alt-mode of a Nissan 300 ZX Turbo police car. Role and Focus Vanguard (City Striker): This role c...

Hot Spot Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

Today's contact build is for the Protectobot leader: Hot Spot. If you enjoy this content, please help my friend Owen with their medical bills from fighting cancer . HOT SPOT " Rust never sleeps, and neither do I .” Hot Spot leads by example. Whether it's a raging battle or a raging fire, he's right in the thick of things — and that's where he's happiest. While many Autobots get into trouble by not thinking in combat, Hot Spot is a natural warrior who excels at fighting on instinct alone. His fellow Protectobots find his endless energy inspiring (though a bit exhausting), letting Hot Spot command even the most philosophically different of robots like Blades and First Aid as a tight and effective unit. He's a tough fighter to boot — strong, well-armed and well-armored. Influences Cybertronian Military (First Responder), Gestalt Member, Powerhouse: Hot Spot likes to be where the action is and in being maximally operational every moment of one’s life. Origin M...

RANGE VIPER THREAT (GIJoe Essence20 rpg)

I've been thinking about a scenario that involves the use of Ranger Vipers from GIJoe. However, looking through the various sourcebooks, Range Vipers have not yet been built as a Threat. As such, here is my Range Viper Threat Build, based on their classic toy card description and their upgraded accessories provided with their GIJoe Classified action figure. If you enjoy this content, please help support my friend Owen with his fight with cancer . Snail Nobra! Regular infantry would come back from a mission with hopes of getting hot meals and shower when they arrive at base.  Range-Vipers  are different. Their barracks is not a four-sided building with a roof, it's out there on the cold hard ground made of whatever makeshift materials they can find. Their meals are whatever edible walking or crawling critter that comes along, and their water comes from the nearest river and stream. They are only provided their uniforms and basic weapons. Whatever else they need they have to hun...

Groove Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

 The contact build for today is the Protectobot: Groove! This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios. If you enjoy this content, please help provide for my friend Owen and his fight with cancer . GROOVE " War is a problem, never a solution ." Groove is a free spirit, man. A full fuel tank and an open sky above him is all this chopper needs to mellow out and enjoy whatever good vibrations the open road brings his way. One relaxed, easy-going dude, Groove is also a bit of a loner in his soul. He doesn't make a lot of attachments to others, preferring the freedom of an empty highway, but he is always sure to be there with the love when his Protectobot teammates need his help. Groove doesn't like combat or conflict in general, and is always ready to give peace a chance Influences Community Helper, Gestalt Member: The Protectobots once lived on the colony world of Archon, but as the colony slowly began to fail they s...

First Aid Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

Continuing with the Protectobots, today's contact build is for First Aid ,  who is a stark contrast from the previous Blades build, in that he fits with the Protectobots theme, rather than railing against it. This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios. If you enjoy this content, and you feel like sending me a Holiday Gift to show your appreciation, please help support my friend Owen with his medical bills in his fight against cancer. FIRST AID " An ounce of maintenance is worth a pound of cure ." First Aid is one of the most empathic and compassionate beings you'll ever meet. He cares deeply about all living things. Heck, he even cares deeply about the "pain" of inanimate objects. A broken or malfunctioning can-opener will earn just as much sympathy and attention as a fellow Autobot. Otherwise, First Aid is a soft-spoken and sometimes overly cautious sort (especially when it comes to the well-being of...