Building a Fantasy Timeline, Part 2: Inspiration Orcus!

 Inspiration: Orcus!

When building a timeline for one's D&D fantasy game, it is hard to find a master villain who is more important and has more machinations than the Demon Prince of Undeath: Orcus! Only Tiamat outclasses this demon lord in terms of the number of adventures and scenarios seeded with the presence of this villain.

So, let's take a look at what we have to work with in terms of Orcus-related adventure modules...

The Throne of Bloodstone (1988)

The Great Modron March (October, 1997)

Dead Gods (November, 1997)

Savage Tide: Enemies of My Enemy (August 2007)

Keep on the Shadowfell (May 2008)

Demon Queen's Enclave (October 2008)

Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress (March 2009)

Death's Reach (April 2009)

Kingdom of the Ghouls (June 2009)

Prince of Undeath (October 2009)

Out of the Abyss (September 2015)

The Throne of Bloodstone

So, basically, there is this Witch King dude named Zhengyi. He's been invested with so much power from the demon prince Orcus that he raises a massive fortress (called “Castle Perilous”) with the power of his magic. The local rulers are having a hard time beating this dude, so they get the most powerful adventurers they can employ and have them go to the depths of the Abyss to steal the Wand of Orcus, and destroy it. This will, in turn weaken Zhengyi enough to allow the rulers of the land to kill the Witch King.

So yeah, a bunch of 18+ level adventurers delve into the Abyss, raid Orcus' pad, and steal his artifact wand. But you know artifacts.. they are kind of hard to destroy. And an artifact that itself is all about destruction... even more impossible to destroy.

So, while the adventure says the heroes go to the Seven heavens to destroy the Wand of Orcus, based on events that occur in “Dead Gods,” this is probably just the story they told to the king that hired them:

King: And the Wand of Orcus... it is destroyed?

Wizard: Oh... um, yes, Your Majesty! We did destroy the Wand!

King: Great! How was it done?

Wizard (whispering to the Bard): Make something up!

Bard: Once our mighty fighter had kicked the Demon Prince of Undeath in the nads so hard it cried for his mommy – and nay, the Queen of Chaos was nowhere to be seen, despite his pitiful cries – we did abscond with his mighty wand. So heavy and mighty was this artifact of death that we had to carry it in turns, all the while our powerful clerics casting healing spells on those who held the wand to just keep them alive! Venture, we did, to the highest summit of the Seven Heavens! There, using the mighty forge of Moradin, stoked by the fiery breath of the platinum dragon Bahamut –

Wizard (whispering): Doesn't Bahamut have icy breath?

Bard: SHUSH! Anyway... on the highest mountain of Heaven was the Wand of Orcus sundered. Shattered into a hundred pieces! And each of these pieces we took individually down the holy mountainside and placed them into the deepest depths of the holy ocean surrounding Celestia!

Barbarian: I don't remember doing ANY of that! I just remember throwing the Wand of Orcus into the deepest, darkest pit of Pandemonium that we could find.

Bard: SHUSH!!!!!

So basically, with his Wand removed from his grasp, Orcus is now significantly reduced in power. This allows a little drow necromancy goddess named Kiaransalee -- who aspires to better her position – to sweep in, throttle a weakened Orcus in his sleep, and then proceed to Thriller-dance with the armies of undead teeming in Thanatos. 

At least, that's how I see her average day happening...

Now, I'm not a huge fan of the idea of actually running the Bloodstone adventure in a game, I just want to use it as part of my historical notes. According to the official Forgotten Realms timeline, the time difference between 1st and 4th edition D&D is 122 years. The first module in the “Bloodstone” series was published 3 years before Throne of Bloodstone. So, knowing that, we add these events to the timeline using that date.

CY 483

Using the magical powers bestowed to him by the demon Orcus, the Witch King Zhangyi creates the Castle Perilous. From here, the Witch King plagues Nerath with armies of orcs, goblins, and giants. The King of Nerath hires a band of adventures to aid his armies in routing the forces of the Witch King at Bloodstone Pass.

[the events of module H1: Bloodstone Pass occur here]

CY 484

The Heroes of Bloodstone Pass conduct raids on duergar-controlled temples of Orcus, gathering treasures to aid in the relief of villagers affected by the recent raids by the Witch King Zhangyi's forces.

For their efforts in aiding the people of Nerath, the Heroes of Bloodstone Pass are granted a barony.

[the events of module H2: Mines of Bloodstone occur here]

CY 485

In retaliation for past events, the Witch King leads an all-out assault on the barony of the Heroes of Bloodstone Pass, attacking their lands to destroy the heroes and acquire their immense wealth in the name of Orcus.

[the events of module H3: The Bloodstone Wars occur here]

CY 486

The Heroes of Bloodstone Pass venture into the Abyss to steal the Wand of Orcus from the Demon Prince of Undeath. Unable to destroy the Wand, the heroes hide the artifact deep within the Outer Planes. [the events of the module H4: Throne of Bloodstone occur here]

With Orcus significantly reduced in power, the Witch King Zhangyi is defeated by the nation of Nearth.

Orcus himself is overthrown by the drow goddess Kiaransalee, who smites the demon prince and casts his ruined body into the Astral Sea. Kiaransalee assumes the throne of Thanatos as her own realm.

The Great Modron March and Dead Gods

I love these adventures!

When 2nd Edition AD&D was released, the folks at TSR were seriously afraid of the Satanic Panic and its anti-gaming backlash. In response, they removed all the “Satanic” elements of the game, such as the demons and devils. In there place were “other-dimensional entities” called “Tanar'ri” and “Baatezu” respectively. We also lost the big Demon Lords with that. Orcus had not been seen or mentioned in a long time. These two modules started bringing all of that back.

As we later discover in “Dead Gods,” the last surviving avatar of Orcus known as “Tenebrous” discovers a super-power known as The Last Word. He uses this to destroy the modron Primus. Assuming the guise of The One and the Prime, Tenebrous starts the Great Modron March 150 years early(!) as a means to explore the multiverse and find the location of the long-lost Wand of Orcus.

CY 458

The last Great Modron March proceeds on schedule.

CY 597

The avatar Tenebrous uses the Last Word to destroy the modron Primus. Assuming the mantle of the One and the Prime, Tenebrous begins the Great Modron March 150 years early to search for the Wand of Orcus.

[the events of The Great Great Modron March occur here]

Eleventh Moon: Succeeding in his search, Tenebrous abdicates his role as Primus, allowing a modron to ascend into the role. Tenebrous ventures into the depths of Pandemonium and recovers the Wand of Orcus. Using the artifact, Tenebrous allies with the orc death priest Quah-Namog in the Astral Sea to resurrect the Prince of Undeath.

[the events of Dead Gods occur here]

Orcus is restored. He returns to the Abyss, where Kiaransalee abandons Thanatos ahead of the demon prince's arrival.

Savage Tide: Enemies of My Enemy

The eleventh module in the Savage Tide Adventure Path featured in Dungeon Magazine #149. The PCs attempts to gather allies against the Prince of demons Demogorgon. Under the guidance of the Witch Queen Iggwilv, she sends the PCs to acquire the aid of none other than Orcus himself.

Having just reacquired his throne from the drow goddess Kiaransalee, Orcus is hesitant to lay siege to Demogorgon's realm. But, if the PC defeat his champion and manage to gather other allies, he agrees to attack the Prince of Demons (which happens in the next AP module: Prince of Demons).

CY 607

Ninth Moon: Orcus aids the adventuring crew of the Sea Wyvern assault the realm of Demogorgon and defeat the Prince of Demons before he can unleash the Savage Tide.

[the events of “Savage Tide: Enemies of My Enemy” and “Savage Tide: Prince of Demons” occur here]

Keep on the Shadowfell

We've already sort of touched on this module in our previous blog. It is the first module in 4th edition D&D. It is also the start of a larger campaign featuring a long term plan centered around Orcus. Having returned from the dead and reacquired his Wand and seat of power, the Prince of Undeath needs a big win! Something to show everyone in the multiverse that he's nothing to be trifled with. Yes, he's had some setbacks, but now he's back and he going to show everyone that he's not just going to sit and quietly rule from the Abyss. Orcus is going to KILL A GOD! And what better god to slay than his primary rival; The Goddess of Death.. The Raven Queen...

Demon Queen's Enclave

There is not a lot to this module that makes the PCs want to intervene on the events that transpire. Basically, a drow vampire in service to Orcus was to kill a bunch of drow and turn them into an undead army in service to Orcus, so that the demon prince will turn the vampire into his newest exarch. The drow certainly don't ask the PCs to intervene on their behalf. It's more like a third party say “Huh... things are getting awfully rowdy down there. Maybe check it out? I dunno.”

I use this module as a historical placeholder note for upcoming events. Orcus is using a drow vampire to kill the local drow population and transform them into undead in preparation for the invasion of the Raven Queen realm. Orcus knows the Raven Queen has her own personal army of minions (she got her own “angels”: the psychopomps, as well as mortal minions: the shadar-kai). So, to get through this massive army, Orcus needs an army of his own. Great!

This module serves as him starting to amass an army.

CY 108

An exarch of Orcus, Thrullzon, opens a planar cyst the the Rotting Throne in the Shadowfell, allowing the undead forces of Orcus to assault the Underdark. Distracted by other pressing matters and angered at Thrullzon's inability to land a killing blow against the drow, Orcus turns his back on the exarch. The drow slay Thrullzon, seize his planar gate and seal it. They erect the fortress-city of Phaervorul to commemorate their victory and keep watch over and further incursions from Orcus and his allies.

CY 608

Tenth Moon: Orcus transforms the drow Zirithian into a vampire, tasking him to amass an army from the drow of Phaervorul, forming the Rotting Legions.

[the events of the module P2: Demon Queen's Enclave occur here]

Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress and Death's Reach

These modules are combined in plot, as Orcus has tasked the shadow dragon Urishtar with seeking out an ancient fortress in the Shadowfell, where the dragon learns a powerful ritual that funnels dying souls away from the raven Queen and towards an even more ancient portal – Death's Reach – used to house souls before the Raven Queen ascended. As these souls are funneled to Death's Reach, they are consumed by the forces of Orcus to create new undead demons and powerful weapons to be used in his war against the Raven Queen. This series of events also prevents souls from returning to their bodies through the use of resurrection magic. Unable to judge these diverted souls, the powers of the Raven Queen starts to grow weak.

CY 609

Third Moon: The shadow dragon Urishtar takes over an ancient Shadowfell structure, renaming it Nightwyrm Fortress. Using ancient rituals discovered within, Urishtar begins funneling the souls of dying mortals away from the raven Queen and toward Death's Reach, where they are collected by the forces of Orcus.

Resurrection magic begins to father and fade from the world, as the souls are no longer accessible.

[the events of module P3: Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress occur here]

Fourth Moon: The Raven Queen acquires the aid of a trusted band of heroes to assault Nightwyrm Fortress and Death's Reach to restore the proper flow of soul energy in the Shadowfell.

Resurrection magic is restored, as the huecuva Elder Aranthamis driven away from Death's Reach.

[the events of module E1: Death's Reach occur here]

Kingdom of Ghouls

At Death's Reach, the PCs battle the huecuva Elder Arantham, who is one of the most powerful minions of Orcus and leader of the Ashen Covenant, a cult of Orcus who actively seek to bring about the end of the world! Having amassed quite a bit of soul energy from his time in Death's Reach, Arantham flees into the White Kingdom, aka the Kingdom of Ghouls, to make use of the accumulated soul power. Maybe the PCs follow him into the White Kingdom... maybe they don't. I would like to think they do, leading to his ultimate destruction, thus removing one of the most powerful agents of Orcus on the mortal reralms.

CY 609

Sixth Moon: Following huecuva Eldar Aratham from Death's Reach, a band of heroes destroys the undead in the White Kingdom.

[the events of module P2: Kingdom of Ghouls occur here]

Prince of Undeath

And here we are, the culmination of the last two years worth of Orcus' planning and plotting. Using the armies he's acquired from the Underdark in “Demon Queen's Enclave,” having a ritual created by his agent Kalarel to weaken dimensional barriers in “Keep on the Shadowfell,” and having weakened the Raven Queen by siphoning massive amounts of soul energy away from her, Orcus is ready to attack!

Given that the module was released in October, it is fun to think about the implications of this timing. Halloween is supposed to be the time of year when the barrier between the mortal world and spirit world is the thinnest, allowing passage between world to be easier. I like to think Orcus did this on purpose, allowing his army to invade through the thinned dimensional barriers. Then, finally, on the Hallow's Eve itself, he attacks the Raven Queen in an attempt to usurp her throne and domain. Luckily, the Raven Queen has mortal heroes to save her!

CY 609

Tenth Moon: Orcus attacks the Raven Queen's fortress of Latherna. The demon prince impales the Raven Queen with a solid shard of Abyssal matter, funneling her divine energy into him. Orcus' plans are thwarted by a band of mortal heroes, who draw out the abyssal shard and defeat the Prince of Undeath.

[the events of module E3: Prince of Undeath occur here]

So yeah... Orcus fails in his plan (because, if he succeeded, the world would be an undead apocalypse planet from here on). But he still proves himself to be a badass, in a near victory over the Goddess of Death!

Out of the Abyss

Orcus shows up in the adventure for one short-lived scene, before quickly returning to the Abyss. He plays such a little role in the adventure, he's barely worth mentioning or significantly adding to the timeline.


So, what does our timeline look like with Orcus events added to it...?

CY 0

The Kingdom of Nerath is founded, establishing the Common Year (CY) calendar.

CY 108

An exarch of Orcus, Thrullzon, opens a planar cyst the the Rotting Throne in the Shadowfell, allowing the undead forces of Orcus to assault the Underdark. Distracted by other pressing matters and angered at Thrullzon's inability to land a killing blow against the drow, Orcus turns his back on the exarch. The drow slay Thrullzon, seize his planar gate and seal it. They erect the fortress-city of Phaervorul to commemorate their victory and keep watch over and further incursions from Orcus and his allies.

CY 408

A cult of Orcus purposefully creates a gap connecting one of Orcus' unholy Shadowfell sites to the world. Undead flood through the gap. The empire of Nerath dispatches legions to destroy the undead and seal the opening. A keep is then build to watch over the location and contain the threat.


Decades after the building of the Keep, the town of Winterhaven is founded.

CY 458

The last Great Modron March proceeds on schedule.

CY 483

Using the magical powers bestowed to him by the demon Orcus, the Witch King Zhangyi creates the Castle Perilous. From here, the Witch King plagues Nerath with armies of orcs, goblins, and giants. The King of Nerath hires a band of adventures to aid his armies in routing the forces of the Witch King at Bloodstone Pass.

[the events of module H1: Bloodstone Pass occur here]

CY 484

The Heroes of Bloodstone Pass conduct raids on duergar-controlled temples of Orcus, gathering treasures to aid in the relief of villagers affected by the recent raids by the Witch King Zhangyi's forces.

For their efforts in aiding the people of Nerath, the Heroes of Bloodstone Pass are granted a barony.

[the events of module H2: Mines of Bloodstone occur here]

CY 485

In retaliation for past events, the Witch King leads an all-out assault on the barony of the Heroes of Bloodstone Pass, attacking their lands to destroy the heroes and acquire their immense wealth in the name of Orcus.

[the events of module H3: The Bloodstone Wars occur here]

CY 486

The Heroes of Bloodstone Pass venture into the Abyss to steal the Wand of Orcus from the Demon Prince of Undeath. Unable to destroy the Wand, the heroes hide the artifact deep within the Outer Planes. [the events of the module H4: Throne of Bloodstone occur here]

With Orcus significantly reduced in power, the Witch King Zhangyi is defeated by the nation of Nearth.

Orcus himself is overthrown by the drow goddess Kiaransalee, who smites the demon prince and casts his ruined body into the Astral Sea. Kiaransalee assumes the throne of Thanatos as her own realm.

~CY 500

Following the death of the King Elidyr of Nerath at the hands of the White Ruin, the Kingdom of Nerath falls into petty squabbling and disputes between is remaining noble houses and wealthy merchant guilds. Eventually the kingdom completely dissolves.

CY 528

Driven insane by evil emanations from the Shadowfell portal beneath the Keep, Sir Keegan begins to systematically slaughter every resident of the keep, starting with his wife and children. Unable to best the mighty knight, the surviving garrison mounts a united defense and drives Sir Keegan into the lower catacombs of the Keep, sealing him into a room, where the insane man finally perishes. Fearing others will be driven mad, Keegan's Keep is abandoned, and its secret charge is forgotten.

CY 580

Fifth Moon 18: Mount Hotenow erupts, as the primordial Maegara is awoken. Neverwinter is devastated, prompting a mass exodus of the city.

CY 596

Sensing opportunity in Neverwinter, Dagult Neverember hires workers to rebuild the city and mercenaries to help defend it from bandits and monsters. He establishes himself as “Lord Protector” of the city.

CY 597

The avatar Tenebrous uses the Last Word to destroy the modron Primus. Assuming the mantle of the One and the Prime, Tenebrous begins the Great Modron March 150 years early to search for the Wand of Orcus.

[the events of The Great Great Modron March occur here]

Eleventh Moon: Succeeding in his search, Tenebrous abdicates his role as Primus, allowing a modron to ascend into the role. Tenebrous ventures into the depths of Pandemonium and recovers the Wand of Orcus. Using the artifact, Tenebrous allies with the orc death priest Quah-Namog in the Astral Sea to resurrect the Prince of Undeath.

[the events of Dead Gods occur here]

Orcus is restored. He returns to the Abyss, where Kiaransalee abandons Thanatos ahead of the demon prince's arrival.

CY 605

The death priest Kalarel discovers the truth of the portal beneath Keegan's Keep, after finding records dating back to the time of the original opening of the rift. He begins searching for a ritual the he can use to shatter the seal on the portal and once again open the rift.

CY 607

Ninth Moon: Orcus aids the adventuring crew of the Sea Wyvern assault the realm of Demogorgon and defeat the Prince of Demons before he can unleash the Savage Tide.

[the events of “Savage Tide: Enemies of My Enemy” and “Savage Tide: Prince of Demons” occur here]

CY 608

Fifth Moon: The death priest Kalarel begins his machinations to open a portal to the Shadowfell beneath the ruins of Keegan's Keep.

[The events of “Keep on the Shadowfell” begin]

Tenth Moon: Orcus transforms the drow Zirithian into a vampire, tasking him to amass an army from the drow of Phaervorul, forming the Rotting Legions.

[the events of the module P2: Demon Queen's Enclave occur here]

CY 609

Third Moon: The shadow dragon Urishtar takes over an ancient Shadowfell structure, renaming it Nightwyrm Fortress. Using ancient rituals discovered within, Urishtar begins funneling the souls of dying mortals away from the raven Queen and toward Death's Reach, where they are collected by the forces of Orcus.

Resurrection magic begins to father and fade from the world, as the souls are no longer accessible.

[the events of module P3: Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress occur here]

Fourth Moon: The Raven Queen acquires the aid of a trusted band of heroes to assault Nightwyrm Fortress and Death's Reach to restore the proper flow of soul energy in the Shadowfell.

Resurrection magic is restored, as the huecuva Elder Arantham is driven away from Death's Reach.

[the events of module E1: Death's Reach occur here]

Sixth Moon: Following huecuva Eldar Aratham from Death's Reach, a band of heroes destroys the undead in the White Kingdom.

[the events of module P2: Kingdom of Ghouls occur here]

Tenth Moon: Orcus attacks the Raven Queen's fortress of Latherna. The demon prince impales the Raven Queen with a solid shard of Abyssal matter, funneling her divine energy into him. Orcus' plans are thwarted by a band of mortal heroes, who draw out the abyssal shard and defeat the Prince of Undeath.

[the events of module E3: Prince of Undeath occur here]

CY 614

Eighth Moon 19: The Cult of the Dragon assaults the town of Greenest, intending to sack the town for its treasures, in a massive campaign to bring the dragon queen Tiamat to the world.

[“Hoard of the Dragon Queen” campaign events begin here]


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