The Monsters Are Our Heroes: Demon Tree (aka Angry Molesting Tree)

Yes, we have left spooky season, but watching horror movies tends to leave its inspiration behind. And I've always wanted to tackle a project about making bestiary builds for the various monsters to have been featured in the 2011 film "Cabin in the Woods."

Thankfully, due to the scene where the cultists were placing bets on what monster would be chosen for the sacrifice, they had a handy whiteboard listing all the monsters in their menagerie. 

Today, I am starting with their "Angry Molesting Tree"


Sexual assault is something that should NEVER be detailed or described in a tabletop game. Please consult with your players and GM during a session zero to make sure everyone's lines and veils are defined.

This build is for "The Monsters Are Our Heroes" rpg by Bloat Games.

Demonic Tree (aka Angry Molesting Tree)

Evade 16

Hit Points 51 (6 HD)

Armor Points 3

Str 5, Dex 2, Con 4

Int -1, Wis -1, Cha -2

Luck 5


Slam: +5 melee attack (2d6+5 bludgeoning damage) and the target is grabbed (escape DC 15).

Violate: The Demon Tree makes a normal Slam attack (as above) against any Medium-sized creature it has grabbed. If the attack hits, the creature takes the damage as normal, and must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be Stunned plus take an additional 2d6 piercing damage.


Fire Vulnerability: The Demon Tree takes double damage from fire attacks.

Staggered: Like most other sentient trees, the Demon Tree is slow to move. It only has one Action each round.

Tree Form: While the Demon Tree remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree. Due to the thick bark of the tree, the Demon Tree takes half damage from bludgeoning and piercing attacks.

The Demon Tree (aka Angry Molesting Tree) is a demon-possessed tree that dwells in haunted forests. The malicious fiend that possesses the tree seeks to sate its desire for blood and flesh by violating any living human it comes across. It uses the most vile of means to carry out these murders.

A Demon Tree resembles a tree stripped of any foliage. It typically appears twisted and blighted, giving some clue as to its wicked and fiendish nature. The fiend uses its roots to travel and stalk its victims.


The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

The Evil Dead, both the original (1981) and remake (2013)

The Guardian (1990)

The Last Unicorn (1982)

Poltergeist (1982)

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