THE KING IN YELLOW (The Monsters Are Our Heroes Villain)

I recently came upon this really cool piece of art:

It inspired me to make a build for The King in Yellow to be used as a BBEG for "The Monsters Are Our Heroes" by Bloat Games.

Hastur, The King in Yellow

Evade 21

Hit Points 105 (10 HD)

Armor Points 5

Str 6, Dex 3, Con 6

Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 9

Luck 20


Royal Gaze: +3 ranged attack (2d12+3 psychic damage)

Tentacle: +6 melee attack (2d12+6 bludgeoning damage) and the target is grabbed (escape DC 16). A grabbed target takes 2d12 bludgeoning damage at the start of its turn.


Aura of Insanity: A creature that starts its turn within Nearby distance of the King in Yellow must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The King in Yellow’s allies are immune to this effect.

Eldritch Mind: The King in Yellow can see and hear through the senses of anyone whose body is marked with the Yellow Sign, even if they are on a different dimensional plane. He can communicate telepathically to any who wear the Yellow Sign, as well as anyone he can see or hear.

Magic Resistance: The King in Yellow has Advantage on all Saving Throws against spells and magical effects. 

Magic Weapons: The King in yellow’s weapon attacks are magical.

Palingenesis: If reduced to 0 Hit Points or killed, The King in Yellow will reform after one year has passed; possessing the mind and body of a creature that bears the Yellow Sign.

Hastur, the King in Yellow appears as a figure dressed in tattered yellow robes, sometimes with a vague halo around his head, sometimes with a red crown or a pair of wings. Nobody knows who or what the King in Yellow truly is, and neither is it clear whether or not he is truly hostile towards sentient beings. The madness caused by the King's presence is even considered to be enlightening by some.

Hastur is worshiped by decadent and hedonistic nobles, aristocrats and artists who have grown bored with life and have sought out increasingly deviant, bizarre, and self-destructive methods of achieving gratification in life. His temples are opulent and excessive — opera houses, manors, and the like that contain hidden chambers for pastimes best indulged in secret. His cultists are particularly eager to bring innocent humans and other humanoids into their fold, exposing them to the Yellow Sign so that their bodies and minds can serve as portals through which the King in Yellow may walk the world.


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