Cenobites ("The Monsters Are Our Heroes" Villains)

Today's Movie Monster build for "The Monsters Are Our Heroes" are everybody's favorite hedonistic sadomasochistic beings from another dimension: The Cenobites of Hellraiser!

Cenobites are hedonistic, sadomasochistic fiends from another dimension. They claim themselves to be explorers of sensation and experience, and seek to bring others to their way of existence. Their usual means of doing this is by access to a mystical artifact: a puzzle box known as the Lament Configuration. By opening the puzzle box, it opens the dimensional barriers between the mortal world and that of the Leviathan’s Labyrinth, where the cenobites exist and conduct their pleasuring tortures.

Cenobotes vary in appearance, but are generally humanoid in form, wrapping their bodies in tight leather bindings that barely conceal their exposed wounds and pierced flesh. Barbs and chains hang from their bodies and move at their command; striking and binding those who have opened the puzzle box and invited the cenobites into their lives.


Evade 18

Hit Points 68 (8 HD)

Armor Points 3 (chains and leather)

Str 4, Dex 2, Con 4

Int 0, Wis 1, Cha 2

Luck 11


Chains: +2 ranged attack (3d6+2 piercing damage) and the target is Grappled (escape DC 14). A Grappled target is Restrained until they can free themselves from the chains. A cenobite has an unlimited number of chains to Grapple numerous targets; seemingly erupting from nowhere.

Fearsome Visage: A cenobite can inspire fear in their chosen target. The target must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or have Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of their next turn.


Magic Resistance: A cenobite has Advantage on all saving throws against magical effects.

Track the Sinner: A cenobite can effortlessly track down a mortal creature that opened the Lament Configuration (purposefully or not). They can sense evil deeds performed by a mortal, and prefer to target sinners as opposed to the innocent.


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