Darkness ("The Monsters Are Our Heroes" Villain)

Today's movie monster come from the 1985 film Legend, directed by Ridley Scott.

This article uses game statistic information from "The Monsters Are Our Heroes" rpg by Bloat Games.

The Lord of Darkness – also known as simply “Darkness” – is a powerful archfey that takes on the resemblance of a fiend, complete with red skin, giant horns, and a forked tongue. He rules from a palace within the Fey Weald’s Great Tree, surrounded by a hag-filled swamp. The Great Tree is a maze of rooms and chambers, some of which contain his goblin minions and other dark faerie servitors.

Within his demense, the Lord of Darkness fears nothing… except for the light of day. This powerful and ancient creature can only be destroyed by exposure to the light of the sun. To this end, he seeks the means to blot out the sun and bring an eternal night to the world so that he may rule all of the mortal realm. Normally, it would be kind of foolish to let people know your one weakness, but the Lord of Darkness seemingly espouses non-stop about how “daylight is my destroyer!”

Lord of Darkness

Evade 20

Hit Points 60 (8 HD)

Armor Points 3 (fiendish flesh)

Str 4, Dex 4, Con 3

Int 2, Wis 1, Cha 3

Luck 12


Fire Bolt: +4 ranged attack (3d6+4 fire damage)

Slam: +4 melee attack (3f6+4 bludgeoning damage) and the target must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be flung into a Nearby space.

Sword: +4 melee attack (3d6+4 slashing damage)


Faerie Resistances: The Lord of Darkness is resistant to Cold, Fire, and Poison Damage. He is resistant to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing weapons that are not magical.

Faerie Sight: The Lord of Darkness can see in normal and magical darkness.

Sunlight Weakness: When exposed to sunlight, the Lord of Darkness takes 3d6 radiant damage each round. He has Disadvantage to Attack Rolls and Ability Checks while exposed to sunlight.

Terrifying Visage: The Lord of Darkness has Advantage on all Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

Umbramancy: The Lord of Darkness can summon darkness and shadows, blotting out normal light (but not sunlight) around him. Using this magic, he can create shadowy illusions and create materials made from solid darkness (like pretty goth nightgowns).


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