Jaws aka Bruce ("The Monsters Are Our Heroes" Villain)

Today's movie monster has a theme song you can hear in your mind just from thinking about it. This is the monster that made everyone dread going into the ocean. Today we're showcasing "Jaws" the Great White Shark.

This article uses games statistics from "The Monsters Are Our Heroes" rpg by Bloat Games.

The story of Jaws is based on a series of shark attacks incidents that took place by a group of bull sharks in 1916. The author of the original novel changed the shark into a Great White to inspire more fear with a massive monster that resembled the classic Megalodon. 

Movies and television will have people believe that shark attacks happen all the time. In truth there are an average of 16 shark attacks every year in the united States, and only one fatality every two years.

Giant Shark

Evade 13

Hit Points 48 (5 HD)

Armor Points 3 (dermal denticles)

Str 6, Dex 0, Con 5

Int -2, Wis 0, Cha -2

Luck 5


Bite: +6 melee attack (1d12+6 piercing damage) and the target is Grappled (escape DC 16). Until this Grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the giant shark can’t bite another target.


Blood Frenzy: The giant shark had Advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its Hit Points.

Water Breathing: The giant shark can only breathe underwater.


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