Fastball Special (Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition)

In Marvel Comics, there are few combat maneuvers as noteworthy as The Fastball Special. This is a combo-maneuver that requires the use of two teammates skilled in working alongside each other. One of the teammates (the "pitcher") must have superhuman strength, while the second (the "ball") requires some form of exceptional melee attack and not a small amount of damage resistance. 

The Fastball Special was originated by the X-Men Colossus and Wolverine, and featured Colossus using his super-strength to pick up Wolverine and throw him deep into the ranks of the villains or high up towards flying enemies. Once thrown, Wolverine, stretches himself out to be as aerodynamic as possible, and extends his claws so they are what the enemies first encounter as he slams into a foe. Wolverine's claws, combined with the momentum of Colossus' superhuman strength resulted in numerous destroyed Sentinel robots. Thankfully, Wolverine survives being thrown like this, due to his regeneration powers.

Ultimately, this maneuver was intended to get Wolverine, who did not possess any form of "travel power," to get into combat much faster than the rest of his teammates.

It is entirely possible to perform this maneuver in Mutants & Masterminds. It just requires the PCs working together...

FASTBALL SPECIAL (Standard Action, Reaction)

The Fastball Special is a combat Maneuver that can be performed by two allied creatures. Both must have the Teamwork Advantage. One -- the pitcher -- must have super-human strength (7+ ranks in Strength).

To perform the Fastball Special, the pitcher uses their Action to pick up and throw a willing adjacent ally (the "ball"). The "pitcher" requires enough Strength to throw the "ball" the distance between them and the target. If they have enough Strength for the distance, the "pitcher" makes a Ranged Attack Roll against the target whom they are throwing the "ball." 

On a successful hit, the "ball" uses their Reaction to deal an amount of Damage equal to one of their Close Combat Attacks. In addition to the normal damage dealt by this Close Combat Attack, the "ball" adds their momentum (the difference between the "pitcher's" Strength and the "ball's" weight) to the final Damage total.

However, the Fastball Special is just as dangerous a maneuver for the "ball," as they take Damage from performing the maneuver equal to one-half the Momentum ranks (similar to a Slam attack).

Example: She-Hulk and Wolverine are attempting to perform a Fastball Special. Neither of these heroes have worked with each other before, however, due to Wolverine's time working alongside the X-Men, and She-Hulk's time spent with both the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, both heroes have the Teamwork Advantage.

Shulkie throws Wolverine at a Doombot. Shulkie is skilled at "Thrown" Ranged Attacks, giving her a +8 ranged attack to hit the Doombot. Rolling average ("11") on the d20, she easily hits the robot with her Wolvie-ball. 

Wolverine pops his claws out and tears through the Doombot, normally dealing 9 Damage. However, as Shulkie has 12 ranks of Strength, and Wolverine weighs 300 lbs. (thanks to his adamantium skeleton), the momentum difference is 9 ranks, so Wolvie is dealing rank 18 damage with his claws! 

It is HIGHLY unlikely that the Doombot, which only has rank 9 Toughness, will survive this massive attack!

Slamming into the Doombot, Wolverine must make a Toughness saving throw against Damage 5 (one-half the momentum Damage, rounded up). Luckily, Wolverine has a decent Toughness and Regeneration to help him recover should he fail the check.

If you enjoy this M&M content, please check out my Super Powered Legends series.


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