
Showing posts from June, 2024

Warpath Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The contact build for this article is the boisterous Warpath ! What's more to be said about this guy? He's a tank who has a giant cannon sticking out of his chest even in bot mode! BOOM, baby! Warpath is one of the few Autobots who is just a straight forward bot with a big gun! He's not the guy who gets called on to infiltrate a base. But if the Autobots know a fight is coming, they call on Warpath first and foremost. If you enjoy this content, please support Owen Stephens with his fight with cancer . WARPATH " A good shot is worth more than a good intentions ." Warpath is the stereotypical tank commander: loud, boisterous, skilled, confident, devoted to his buddies, and probably a little deaf. His armor is tremendously thick; his skull no less. He loves to show off by splitting hex nuts a mile and a half away, and he has an endless variety of special munitions to load in his prized main gun: cryogenic, acid, thermal, and sonic. His most favorite, however, are the

Seaspray (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The subject of today's Transformers Contact build is the Autobot Naval Defender: Seaspray ! Seaspray holds a powerful role in the Autobot forces by being their only Naval defender for several years, until Broadsides comes along. But considering Broadsides hates the water, and hates assuming his aquatic alt-mode, that pretty much still leaves Seaspray as the default Navy. According to his 2017 Legends Class toy release, Seaspray has tattoos, like any other normal sailor! Etched in Cybertronian script along his inner forearms is the name of his alien lover: Alanna. Following the Cybertronian Wars, Seaspray is partnered with the Mini-Con Lione (aka Sawback), a lion-formed Headmaster component. I guess the kitty saw "Life of Pi" and wanted to recreate that as their everyday experience. This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios. If you enjoy this content, please support my friend Owen Stephens and his fight against canc

Six Clan Faction (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

In both the original G1 animated series, the character Sixshot got all of 30 seconds of screen time; never to be seen again! The classic Marvel comic series was no better, having him show up as a character in 1 panel, saying 1 line, then never being showcased at all. Meanwhile, he was a MAJOR character in the Japanese continuity of the cartoon. He featured as the commander of the Decepticon forces on Earth, while Galvatron focused his attentions on Cybertron. The Japanese continuity also introduced another faction to the TF Universe: a secretive organization of ninja-like beings known as the " Six Clan " or " Clan of Six ." This article is my first attempt at building a Faction for the Transformers Essence20 RPG. It is very much a "work in progress" and should be considered nothing more than house rules and fan-made material. If you enjoy this article, please help contribute to my friend Owen and his fight with cancer . TF FACTION: SIX CLAN The Six Clan is

Powerglide Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The Contact Build for today is the original Autobot air force: the high-flying Powerglide . Powerglide is described as a barn-storming acrobat. Despite this, he has assumed the alt-mode of one of the slowest aircraft in the world. Not that I would complain, but the A-10 Warthog is not exactly known of it's aerial antics. However, that is the joy of being a Transformer; getting to ignore some amount of physics due to being a robot. Now, there is one thing the A-10 Warthog is good at, and that's taking out tanks and other ground-based targets. And this is where I think Powerglide excels as a flying Autobot over, say, the Aerialbots. A small part of me likes to think he got his Earth alt-mode due to the prevalence of the Rattler in the Cobra Air Force. That would make for an interesting story. Powerglide also has a strong attachment to Earth, having fallen into a cross-species romance with a wealthy CEO of an energy company.  I'd like to think that, once the Autobots succeed i

Flip Sides Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

For today's contact build, I'm breaking off from the normal Autobots, and focusing in an interesting but obscure character: Flip Sides . Flip Sides is a female Mini-Con working as a military drone operator within the Autobot army. Before the war, she was an instructor, specializing in history and Archaeology at the Iacon educational facility. She is often partnered with another cassette-form mini-con by the name of Rosanna, who aspires to be a professional idol singer on Earth. Flip Sides finds Rosanna only a little annoying. As with most Autobot Recordicons, they operate under the supervision of Blaster. This article is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios. If you enjoy this content, please help support my friend Owen KC Stephens in his battle with cancer . FLIP SIDES “ John Wick has nothing on me! What? What do you mean he was an assassin ?” Flip Sides was an instructor at an Iacon training facility. When her school was d