Flip Sides Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

For today's contact build, I'm breaking off from the normal Autobots, and focusing in an interesting but obscure character: Flip Sides.

Flip Sides is a female Mini-Con working as a military drone operator within the Autobot army. Before the war, she was an instructor, specializing in history and Archaeology at the Iacon educational facility.

She is often partnered with another cassette-form mini-con by the name of Rosanna, who aspires to be a professional idol singer on Earth. Flip Sides finds Rosanna only a little annoying. As with most Autobot Recordicons, they operate under the supervision of Blaster.

This article is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.

If you enjoy this content, please help support my friend Owen KC Stephens in his battle with cancer.


John Wick has nothing on me! What? What do you mean he was an assassin?”

Flip Sides was an instructor at an Iacon training facility. When her school was destroyed in the war, FlipSides took up arms against the Decepticons, joining the Autobots as a combat drone operator. Over the millenia, she grew to love and respect her fellow Autobots. Enthusiastic and does not conceal her feelings of goodwill and friendship, trusted deeply by all.

She has a phobia towards mechanoids with more than two legs, which can lock her systems up if she is surprised. She's gotten used to Blaster's animal-altmode tapes (although they’re still not her favorites), but others still freak her out.


Cybertronian With Attitude (Kind), Teacher: You'd be hard pressed to find a robot more friendly and compassionate than Flip Sides. A former teacher, she is well-suited to managing data, military history and coordinating, and has been given the task of managing waves of remote-controlled combat drones. She's well-liked and personable, and a valuable Autobot fighter.


Mini-Con: Flip-Sides assumes the alt-mode of a cassette tape.

Role and Focus

Commando (Spy): And it's all a lie, even to Flip Sides herself. She is in actuality a sleeper agent placed into the Autobot ranks thousands of years previous. She has no memory of her former self, which has been carefully buried under her Autobot persona, and will not awaken until the intricate timer mechanism also buried inside her programming triggers. What her Decepticon self is like is entirely unknown, but the thousands of years of data she's collected will undoubtedly be used to devastating effect. When this happens... nobody knows, possibly even the mysterious Decepticons who programmed her.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 5: Athletics +d6, Might +d4

Speed 2: Infiltration +d4

Smarts 8: Alertness +d2, Culture (History) +d6, Technology +d6

Social 8: Deception (Bluffing) +d8, Persuasion +d6

Gaining name As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

So Tell Me…: In an effort to always be there for her fellow Autobots, Flip Sides is always wanting to learn and know more about their individual lives, including likes and dislikes. If she can wrangle a few others into helping her gather information, she’d be ever so grateful! If the PC spend time collecting personal information about other Autobots, succeeding in three DIF 14 Culture, Deception, or Persuasion Skill Tests, they gain Flip Sides as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Drone Operator (3 Allegiance Points): Flip Sides has become a skilled drone operator, and lets others make use of her robotic allies. For the duration of the mission, a PC gains the use of a Standard Robot Drone Pet (see the GIJoe Core Rulebook). The PC should work with the GM to create this robot drone. Alternatively, they can use the “Heat Seeker Drone” from the Transformers Core Rulebook.

Know Your History (1 Allegiance Point): Flip Sides is a skilled history instructor, specializing in archaeology. A PC gains an Edge on their next Culture Skill Test.

Mini-Con Mobility (2 Allegiance Points): Like all Mini-Cons, Flip Sides knows how to avoid enemy perception. Until the beginning of their next turn, a PC may use the Hide and Sprint Action as Free Actions.


'Till All Are One!


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