Seaspray (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The subject of today's Transformers Contact build is the Autobot Naval Defender: Seaspray!

Seaspray holds a powerful role in the Autobot forces by being their only Naval defender for several years, until Broadsides comes along. But considering Broadsides hates the water, and hates assuming his aquatic alt-mode, that pretty much still leaves Seaspray as the default Navy.

According to his 2017 Legends Class toy release, Seaspray has tattoos, like any other normal sailor! Etched in Cybertronian script along his inner forearms is the name of his alien lover: Alanna.

Following the Cybertronian Wars, Seaspray is partnered with the Mini-Con Lione (aka Sawback), a lion-formed Headmaster component. I guess the kitty saw "Life of Pi" and wanted to recreate that as their everyday experience.

This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.

If you enjoy this content, please support my friend Owen Stephens and his fight against cancer.


Be unyielding as the ocean waves and your enemies shall fall.”

Earth's ocean: an immense and drastically variable desert made of water, which hides a menagerie of the largest, the smallest, and the strangest creatures on the planet. Sunk in its dark and trackless depths lie ancient and forgotten relics, mingled with the spoils and remains of Man. This ocean, this vast mystery, is Seaspray's element, and he loves it dearly.

In many ways, Seaspray found his spiritual home on planet Earth, or rather, its oceans. With no comparable medium on Cybertron, he broke new ground, relishing the newfound freedom of movement and sheer expanse of his territory.

The oceans of Earth are not alone in his affections. On any planet, at any time, Seaspray is a consummate sailor. Because he is not very comfortable on land, Seaspray does not do well in ground fighting. On the water, however, he has few equals.


Adventurer, Cybertronian Military (Sailor), Titanspark: According to his original tech spec, Seaspray loves roaming Earth’s oceans and does not like spending time in his Bot Mode, thus he would possess the Earth-Spoiled and Mode Attachment  Hang-Ups.


Cutter: Seaspray transformers into a hovercraft. Based on the doors molded into the side of his figure, Seaspreay would be immense! Hence, the Titanspark Influence (above).  

Role and Focus

Ranger (Scout): This Role and Focus comes from the GIJoe rpg.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 3: Athletics +d6

Speed 6: Driving (Water) +d6, Targeting +d4

Smarts 8: Alertness +d4, Science (Ichthyology, Oceanography) +d6, Survival +d2

Social 6: Animal Handling +d4, Deception +d2, Persuasion +d6

Gaining name As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

It’s Better Where It’s Wetter: Much like the human oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, Seaspray LOVES the oceans of Earth and the creatures within. He worries that human pollution will have detrimental effects on the oceans and their ecologies. To this end, he often tries to get his fellow Autobots to spend their downtime helping him with cleanup efforts all around the world. Those who aid Seaspray in this work, succeeding on three DIF 15 Animal Handling, Science, and Survival Skill Tests, gain Seaspray as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Aquatic Adaptation (3 Allegiance Points): Seaspray is used to moving through water; helping others learn to adapt to its fluid environment as well. All PCs gain a Water Movement equal to their standard Ground Movement until the end of the scene.

Dangerous Depths (2 Allegiance Point): Seaspray has been learning about the dangers possessed by ocean travel. All water-based environmental hazards are removed from the combat scene.

Hydroplaning (1 Allegiance Point): Seaspray prepares his fellow Autobots to handle travel on aquatic surfaces. A PC gains an Edge on their next Athletics or Driving Skill Tests that takes place in an aquatic environment.


Til' All Are One!


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