Powerglide Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The Contact Build for today is the original Autobot air force: the high-flying Powerglide.

Powerglide is described as a barn-storming acrobat. Despite this, he has assumed the alt-mode of one of the slowest aircraft in the world. Not that I would complain, but the A-10 Warthog is not exactly known of it's aerial antics. However, that is the joy of being a Transformer; getting to ignore some amount of physics due to being a robot. Now, there is one thing the A-10 Warthog is good at, and that's taking out tanks and other ground-based targets. And this is where I think Powerglide excels as a flying Autobot over, say, the Aerialbots.

A small part of me likes to think he got his Earth alt-mode due to the prevalence of the Rattler in the Cobra Air Force. That would make for an interesting story.

Powerglide also has a strong attachment to Earth, having fallen into a cross-species romance with a wealthy CEO of an energy company.  I'd like to think that, once the Autobots succeed in stealing the Pretender technology from the Decepticons, he might be one of the first to offer his services in a chassis conversion, so he can spend more time with his human lover.

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To stop me, you have to catch me first.”

Powerglide, unlike most Autobots, can fly under his own power, and it goes straight to his pointy head. Give him any excuse and awaa-aa-aay he goes, dashing off into the stratosphere at 500 mph—but not in a straight line. No, Powerglide is an aerial acrobat, able to perform stunts other Transformer planes would never dream of. Barrel rolls, tail stands, death spirals, screaming 3200-mph powerdives: none of these are too tough for this Autobot barnstormer, and if he has an audience, be they friendly or enemy, he is guaranteed to put on the air show of their lives.

Yet this seeming frivolity has saved his life countless times in combat. Powerglide is lightly armed with small concussion bombs and a nose-mounted thermal beam, and the former is practically useless in the air. Furthermore, his speed and power, impressive as they are, are vastly outclassed by most aerial Decepticons. Like the flying aces of World War I, Powerglide resorts to dogfighting maneuvers, using his flying skills to confuse and evade the enemy. This tactic works very well.


Cybertronian Military (Pilot), Thrillseeker: Powerglide's skill only aggravates his greatest weakness. He is good, and he knows it, and he misses no chance to show it. If this means he will seek out ever tougher foes to prove his mettle—then he'll do that, even if it kills him. Some day, it might.


Seeker: Powerglide assumes the alt-mode of an A-10 Warthog.

Role and Focus

Technician (Rocketeer): With slight modification this Role from GIJoe and Focus from the Cobra Codex should sufficiently represent Powerglide as a character.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 3: Brawn +d2, Might +d4

Speed 8: Acrobatics +d4, Driving (Aerial) +d6, Targeting +d4

Smarts 7: Alertness +d4, Science +d4, Technology +d6

Social 5: Performance (Aerobatics) +d6, Persuasion +d2

Gaining Powerglide As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Showman: Powerglide likes nothing more than to show off for both his friends and enemies. If the PCs spend their downtime helping Powerglide work on his aerobatic skills, succeeding on three DIF 15 Acrobatic, Driving, or Performance Skill Tests, they gain Powerglide as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Aerobatics (1 Allegiance Point): Powerglide is a master of high-flying maneuvers. A PC gains an Edge on their next Acrobatics Skill Test.

I’ll Handle the Flying (3 Allegiant Points): Powerglide may not be the fastest flyer, but he’s swift enough for any job that requires aerial maneuvering. All aerial-based Driving Skill Tests succeed until the end of the scene.

Tank Killer (2 Allegiance Points): Assuming his alt-mode, Powerglide strafes the ground targets in the area. Deal 1 Sharp Damage to 3 Threats in the Combat scene.


'Til All Are One!


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