Red Alert Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

Today's contact build is for the paranoid Security Director of the Autobots: Red Alert!

While many believe that Ironhide is the head of Autobot security, that is false. Ironhide is merely a high-ranking security officer. It is actually Red Alert who serves as the Chief of Security among the Autobot ranks. In recent years, this has been retconned to where Ironhide is the head of the Prime Guard: the personal security for Optimus Prime (or whomever the current Prime is, if you are playing in other eras).

Red Alert is best friends with Inferno, which is an odd couple. Honestly, the Odd Couple is a perfect reference for these two and their friendship. Red Alert is the ever-worrying, paranoid Jack Lemmon to Inferno's outgoing, extroverted Walter Matthau.

This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.

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Caution can never be overused.”

Red Alert is paranoid, which is not a bad trait in a Security Director if it's kept in check by reason, logic, and common sense. Red Alert is... not always so good with those other traits. The Autobots appreciate his discriminating eye for detail as well as his all-consuming dedication to safety, but his ratio of false alarms to real emergencies leaves something to be desired. And thanks to the "bot who cried wolf" effect, it makes them less likely to take Red Alert seriously when his sensors detect a genuine threat.

Red Alert is close friends with Inferno despite their polarized personalities mixing about as well as oil and vinegar. Incidentally, both Autobots feel obligated to keep the other out of trouble and this concern melds them into a reasonably effective duo.


Cybertronian Military (First Responder), Security: Before the war, he was the warden of Translucentica Heights; one of the most prestigious neighborhoods for the Cybertronian elite of Iacon. He became a regular informant for the police and Sentinel Prime. Sentinel, the chief of security for the Senate. Red Alert and other informants were subjected to a proto-shadowplay form of reconditioning, making them into sleeper agents for Sentinel who would serve as a secret militia whenever necessary.

During the war for Cybertron, Red Alert was a Ground Command Medical Private, whose function served as a medic.


Champion: Red Alert converts into the alt mode of a Lamborghini Countach LP500S Fire Chief’s Car.

Role and Focus

Field Commander (Strategist): Red Alert’s paranoia forces him to make plans within plans. The Strategist Focus is perfect for his character mindset.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 5: Brawn +d2, Intimidation +d4, Might +d4

Speed 3: Driving +d2, Targeting +d4

Smarts 7: Alertness (Situational Awareness) +d8, Technology +d4

Social 7: Deception +d4, Persuasion +d4, Streetwise +d6

Gaining Red Alert As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Any Friend of Inferno: If the PCs have Inferno as a Contact, they gain Red Alert as a temporary Contact they can call on once..

Security Staff: Any Autobot with the Security Influence gains Red Alert as a temporary Contact they can call on once.

Stay Vigilant: Red Alert is always looking for new ways to enhance the security of Autobot bases and the preparedness of its staff. If the PCs spend their downtime aiding Red Alert to their team’s security protocols and efficiency, including succeeding three DIF 15 Alertness, Initiative, and Streetwise Skill Tests, they gain Red Alert as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Always Alert (3 Allegiance  Points): Red Alert has the ability to trigger the alarm setting in other Autobots. All PCs roll Initiative with an Edge. The PCs cannot be Surprised in their first round of Combat.

Emergency Siren (2 Allegiance Points): Red Alert is quick to raise the alarm and guide others to safety in case of danger. All non-combatants in the Combat scene are removed.

Vigilance (1 Allegiance Point): Red Alert has excellent sensory perception. A PC has ↑2 on their next Alertness Skill Test.


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