Hubcap Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)
Today's contact build is one of the many "Bumblejumper" bots that existed from the G1 era: Hubcap!
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This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.
“Weapons can win battles, but words can win wars.”
Everybody likes Hubcap. He's friendly, always has a clever joke or compliment ready, and is generally a nice, fun, affable bot to be around. On the other hand, nobody actually trusts Hubcap. It's not his devotion to the Autobot cause that's the concern (mostly), but his ulterior motives for his friendship and jokes and the like. He is at his core a con artist, and everyone's a bit on their guard around him. Some think he's this way to cover for deficiencies or to stay in a position well above his actual aptitude level... or maybe he just likes tricking people. He doesn't seem to have made many enemies with his tricks and scams, though; quite the opposite. So perhaps it is all mostly harmless.
No-one doubts that he's got very good audio receptors, though, capable of picking up even the weakest of signals, which is why he's part of the Autobot communications hub. One can only guess as to what he might do with all he hears in that position, though.
Bureaucrat, Recruiter, Security: Before the war, he was buddies with Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, forming a trio of friends who would often enjoy the races together. Hubcap's dayjob was in the Senate Security Services at an Autobot communications post.
Lookout: Hubcap assumes the alt-mode of a modified Porsche 924 Turbo.
Role and Focus
Analyst (Corruptor): This role and focus from Decepticon Directive is all about feeding misinformation to others, which is perfect for a character like Hubcap.
Essence Scores and Skills
Strength 3: Athletics +d4, Might +d2
Speed 4: Driving +d2, Infiltration +d4, Targeting +d2
Smarts 9: Alertness (Insight) +d6, Culture +d2, Technology (Communications) +d6
Social 6: Deception +d8, Persuasion +d4
Gaining Hubcap As A Contact
Cover For Me: Hubcap is always looking for a means to get out of any of his responsibilities. Calling on his friends to help him out, he promises to pay them back someday. If the PCs spend their downtime helping Hubcap do his job for him, succeeding on three DIF 15 Alertness, Deception, and Technology Skill Tests, they gain Hubcap as a temporary Contact.
Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.
Allegiance Points: 3
Contact Perks
Communications Hub (2 Allegiance Points): Hubcap is equipped with a head module able to receive and transmit on even the weakest of radio signals. A PC Critically Succeeds on their next Alertness (Perception) or Technology (Communications) Skill Test.
Con Artist (3 Allegiance Points): Hubcap knows how to manipulate events so he has to do as little work himself as possible; getting others to do it for him. The PCs automatically succeed on all Deception Skill Tests until the end of the scene.
Ways With Words (1 Allegiance Point): Hubcap is always there for a kind word or a good deed. A PC has ↑2 with their next Social-based Skill Test.
'Till All Are One!
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