Eject Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The contact build for today is the Recordicon: Eject! I hope you're ready for some football!

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"Clutch hitting is the key to an effective offense."

The best way to describe Eject is that he is always ready for some football! A confirmed Earth-sports junkie, Eject constantly scans the airwaves for everything from baseball, basketball, football, soccer, hockey, anything, from professional to academic-level competition. This occasionally interferes with his job as a surveillance agent, should a game go into overtime when he should be monitoring Decepticon activity. Sports clichés and terms litter his speech: "home runs", "touchdowns", "goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!!" and, of course, "Are you ready for some football?!"

For Eject, sports are more than a form of entertainment. To his mind, they are also the answer to the war. He feels that sports could replace the way Cybertronians traditionally settle disputes: with bloody arena combat or a millennia or two of killing each other in mass numbers. He tries to get the other Autobots in on the idea, and envisions one day a Cybertron free of the horrors of war, where arenas are filled with fans cheering a three-point shot rather than a decapitation, where all Transformers are united in being truly READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!


Security: Eject is tasked with monitoring the Autobot electronic surveillance.


Mini-Con: Eject assumes the alt-mode of a data storage cassette.

Role and Focus

Analyst (Hub): Eject’s communication skills are represented in this Focus from the Enigma of Combination sourcebook.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 6: Athletics +d6, Brawn +d4, Might +d2

Speed 2: Infiltration +d2, Targeting +d2

Smarts 6: Culture (Sports) +d4, Technology (Communications) +d4

Social 6: Performance (Commentary) +d4, Persuasion +d4, Streetwise +d2

Gaining Eject As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Sports Fans: Eject is always ready to party with fellow sports fans. If the PCs have the Earth-Spoiled Hang-Up or the Athlete Influence, they gain Eject as a temporary Contact.

That’s How the Game is Played!: Eject loves sports, but like most fans, rarely gets a chance to play, as he is stuck performing his other duties. If the PCs spend their downtime arranging for Eject to get to play some actual sports, requiring three successful DIF 14 Athletics, Culture, or Performance Skill Tests, they gain Eject as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

And the Quarterback is TOAST! (2 Allegiance Points): Sometimes electronic warfare involves a gun! A Threat suffers 2 Electrical Damage and is Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Electronics Surveillance (3 Allegiance Points): Eject is a master of hacking and listening in on enemy frequencies. The PCs automatically succeed on all Technology (Communications) Skill Tests until the end of the scene.

Sports Trivia (1 Allegiance Point): Eject is amazed at how much sports trivia is integral to human interaction. He can aid his fellow Autobots navigate this cultural phenomenon. A PC gains an Edge on their next Culture Skill Test.


'Till All Are One!


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