Outback Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

Today's new contact build if for the rebellious Autobot gunner Outback!

Hot off the heels of Crocodile Dundee, the United States suddenly had a new icon for what it meant to be "rugged" and "masculine"! Real men came from the Outback of Australian and carried a big knife! Not like those soft city folk! Crocodile Dundee was the John Wayne for a new generation! So, of course, Transformers capitalized on this idea by taking of of their old characters (Brawn), giving them a new paintjob (browns and tans, to match Mick Dundee's ever-present outfit), and slapping him with a thick 'Stralian accent!

It's no surprise really. If you look at all the Autobots from the first two seasons of the G1 series, how many of them had cowboy or Southern accents, just to prove how tough and cavalier they were? No more of that; we got ourselves an Aussie-bot! And just like Mick Dundee, he doesn't play by anyone's rules! He does  what he wants, when he wants, like a REAL MAN does!!

According to his tech spec, Outback is so anti-authority that "he drives across parking lots, sidewalks, and backyards just to get where he's going." He doesn't follow anyone's plans, he's such a maverick! It's like Outback and 1980s-era Marvel Comics Wolverine were having a dick-measuring contest to see who could out-James-Dean each other. Outback literally has no personality outside of his anti-authority rebelliousness. 

While a lot of people were hating on the insightful and retrospective Hot Rod / Rodimus for his involvement in Optimus Prime's death, I was over here hating on the embodiment of toxic masculinity that was Outback.

Have I mentioned I'm not fond of this character?

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This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.


Rules are the detours on the road of life.”

No by-the-book soldier is Outback; for him, the rules of war are the rules of Rafferty. If the beaten track winds, it's a fair bet he'll go straight. He's more comfortable out in the never never anyway, up grades as steep as 50 degrees, or kicking up willie willies at 110 mph. His insubordination gains him little respect from his mates, and often he finds no partner on his missions but Pat Malone and his trusty rooftop tank-jigger, loaded with armor-piercing shells.

Way in the back blocks of Outback's mind, however, there lurks a dark certainty. By the rules of Rafferty he lives, and by these rules, he is sure, Outback's bound to be a write off. The army's run by Wallies and the war's a no-hoper, but he's not totally clapped-out yet, so he'll give it a fair go. It's not the best attitude, but he'll share it with anyone without reserve. Outback calls a spade a bloody spade.

Let a mission go down the gurgler, though, and Outback's the one who'll sort it. He may be largely a mediocrity; he may be an insubordinate grizzle, but his courage is beyond reproach. By the rules of Rafferty he lives, and so far they've served him well.


Cybertronian With Attitude (Rebellious): Thinks going by the book is going the long way. Doesn't follow plans - or roads! Cuts across parking lots, sidewalks, backyards to get where he's going.


Outrider: Outback assumes the alt-mode of a Land Rover Defender 4x4 Jeep.

Role and Focus

Gunner (Triggerbot): Outback carries a turret- mounted mortar cannon that shoots armor-piercing shells.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 4: Athletics +d6, Might +d2

Speed 6: Driving +d6, Targeting +d6

Smarts 5: Alertness +d4, Survival +d6

Social 4: Streetwise +d8

Gaining Outback As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Just Do It: Outback is not one for following rules and expects others to be smart enough bots to know that taking action now is better than asking for permission. If the PCs perform actions counter to the orders of the missions or an on-scene Field Leader, but are still successful in their actions, they gain Outback as a permanent Contact. Any PC with the Security Influence or Field Leader Role cannot gain Outback as a Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Rebel Without A Cause (2 Allegiance Points): Outback knows the backroads and the dangers of driving through them. A PC gains an Edge on all Streetwise Skill Tests until the end of the scene.

Roads Are Rough, This I Know (3 Allegiance Points): Outback can handle any terrain. All PCs ignore Rough Terrain until the end of the scene.

Trusty Rooftop Tank Jigger (1 Allegiance  Point): Outback is armed with a mounted mortar cannon. One Threat suffers 2 Sharp Damage.


'Till All Are One!


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