Pipes Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)
The contact build for today is the Autobot gunner: Pipes!
When Transformers the Movie happened in 1986, Hasbro wanted to sell more toys by getting rid of old characters and replacing them with new characters. In terms of the mini-bots, they did this in the most "cost-effective" (aka cheap-ass) way possible: by repainting old figures and saying they were entirely different characters.
Now... to be fair, Hasbro isn't the only company to do this. If you glance over at Mattel, their Masters of the Universe line is rife with characters built on mix and matching the plastic pieces of one character and repainting them to make an entirely new character with as minimal effort as possible. It keeps costs down, while maximizing the characters in the series. But, whereas Mattel actually mix-and-matched different pieces from different character to make a new character, Hasbro didn't even do that... they just flat-out repainted an old character and claimed it was a new one!
It's no surprise to me why NONE of these minibot characters from this series ever stick out in my mind as special or interesting. At least as toys..
Our previous entry, Outback, was just a redeco of Brawn. Here's the redeco of Huffer: Pipes!
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“One being’s junk is another’s art.”
Pipes is an excellent soldier—tough, brave, and very strong—and otherwise worthy of little note, except for his unusual ability and eccentric hobby. When he came to Earth, Pipes became enamored of the fleshlings' primitive and ingenious technology and could not resist taking home cast-off examples when on missions. Eventually, a previously disused area of the Ark became his own personal museum of nose hair trimmers, patent rulers, and other worthless but fascinating ephemera of the throwaway society. He will gladly talk for endless hours about each prized find.
Only Wreck-Gar can be said really to enjoy an extended tour of Pipes's little museum, but Pipes is a good soldier and a friendly soul, and his comrades generally allow him his little eccentricity.
Pipes's most notable ability, which he is not the most proficient at controlling, is to emit clouds of corrosive gases from his exhaust pipes. This is possible in both modes, but is more useful (except to annoy motorists) in robot mode, where the pipes are on his arms. If he stays at it for at least ten minutes, these noxious gases will eat through a 2" slab of ordinary steel. His own skin is well protected against these gases, but in battle, the coatings may flake off. If he does not notice this (as frequently occurs) he can become vulnerable to his own attack, with unpleasant results.
Security: As part of the Senate Guard, Pipes helped provide security for emergency Senate meetings.
Support: Pipes assumes the alt-mode of a Volvo F88 semi truck.
Role and Focus
Gunner (Cannoneer): Pipes is armed with a pair of cannons emitting corrosive gasses able to eat through steel.
Essence Scores and Skills
Strength 9: Athletics +d4, Brawn +d6, Intimidation +d4, Might +d4
Speed 4: Driving +d4, Targeting +d4
Smarts 6: Alertness +d4, Culture (Consumerism) +d4, Technology +d2
Social 5: Persuasion +d4, Streetwise +d6
Gaining Pipes As A Contact
Collectibles: Pipes is obsessed with the minor technologies of Earth and the everyday objects humans have created to make their day-to-day lives more comfortable. If the PCs take the time to track down a special piece of human technology, requiring three DIF 14 Culture, Persuasion, or Streetwise Skill Tests, they gain Pipes as a permanent Contact.
Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.
Allegiance Points: 3
Contact Perks
Acidic Burst (2 Allegiance Points): Pipes directs a corrosive blast attack at nearby enemies. Up to 3 Threats suffer 1 Acid damage.
Corrosive Gas (3 Allegiance Points): Pipes fills the area with corrosive gas from his exhaust ports; weakening enemy armor. All PC weapons function as though they have the Anti-Tank and Armor Piercing Traits until the end of the combat scene.
Tech-Talk (1 Allegiance Point): Pipes has become an expert on human culture through studying their gadgets and everyday appliances. A PC can interchange the Culture and Technology skills or vice versa when making a Skill Test with one or the other. If the Skill Tests is based on interacting with humans or human technology, the Skill Test is made with an Edge.
'Till All Are One
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