Ramhorn Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

The contact build for today is Ramhorn!

This Autobot cassette was one of several introduced to us in the Transformers movie from 1986. I don't personally recall seeing him in the classic Marvel Transformers comic series. But he did feature prominently in the first several episodes of the third season of the G1 TF animated series.

Unlike Eject and Rewind, who have jobs within Blaster's communications sector, Ramhorn is all about the fight. I guess he serves as the enforcer for the Autobot Communications sector.

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"Flee before me or else you'll fall before me."

Ramhorn is one bad-tempered tape. In beast mode, he's very aggressive and easily provoked. If somebody messes with his stuff, he'll most likely smash the offender, then smash the tampered-with belongings, then smash everything nearby for good measure. He's very strong, too, able to derail a train with a single blow if he wants to. Even in cassette mode, he can give off damaging vibrations; this probably wouldn't derail a train, but don't test him.


Violent: Ramhorn takes this Influence from the Cobra Codex to reflect his volatile personality.


Charger: Ramhorn’s bot form is that of a rhinoceros, while his alt-mode is that of a data storage cassette.

Role and Focus

Renegade (Blitzer): As one who enjoys rushing into close combat, this Role and Focus from the GIJoe rpg suits Ramhorn well.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 8: Athletics +d4, Brawn +d6, Intimidation +d6, Might (Grappling) +d4

Speed 3: Initiative +d2, Targeting +d4

Smarts 4: Alertness +d4, Survival +d4, 

Social 5: Persuasion +d4

Gaining Ramhorn As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Smash!: It’s not enough for Ramhon to defeat his enemies, he must smash them into bits. And he respects others with this mindset. If Ramhorn witnesses a PC purposefully take time to slay a defeated enemy Threat as violently as possible, said PC gains Ramhorn as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Charge Into Battle (2 Allegiance Points): Ramhorn rushes into combat, smashes all enemies in his path. One Threat suffers 2 Blunt damage and is  knocked Prone.

Rage Against the Machine (3 Allegiance Points): As a cassette, Ramhorn can vibrate and destroy any equipment into which he is inserted. A PC gains Edge on all Technology Skill Tests to dismantle electronics or machinery until the end of the scene. If the PCs succeed on the Skill Test to dismantle the technology, not only is the device inoperable, but it also suffers 2 Sonic damage.

Take ‘em Down (1 Allegiance Point): Ramhorn is an expert at knocking enemies over. A PC gains an Edge on all Might Skill Tests to perform Maneuver attacks, until the beginning of their next turn.


'Till All Are One!


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