Sentinel Prime Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

In honor of the release of Transformers One, I have created a Contact Build for Sentinel Prime. While this build is unlikely to be used in most TF campaigns, it is possible someone may want to run a TF campaign set in the early days of the Great War, or perhaps have a game based on the movie TF: One itself. This contact build may help facilitate character interactions with Sentinel.

Sentinel Prime (sometimes known as Sentinel Zeta) has been depicted in many different ways over the course of Transformers series and revisions. In their earlies version, he is the bearer of the Matrix of Leadership -- one of many in a lineage of Primes --  handing it off to Optimus before his passing. It was likely the Transformers Animated series of 2007 that solidified the modern version of Sentinel as he is depicted today; showcasing that the lineage of Primes was not always one of virtuous bots. Some came into their position as Prime through manipulation and guile, rather than being a bearer of the Matrix. Such was the case with Sentinel Prime, who earned his position by being an arrogant bureaucrat and general bully.

Meanwhile, in other interpretations (*cough* Bayverse! *cough*), Sentinel is an out-and-out traitor to the Autobot cause; siding with the Decepticons in an effort to bring about a quicker end to the long-lasting war.

In the Aligned Continuity, which I generally follow, Sentinel -- while deeply flawed as an individual -- still held up to the ideals of the Autobot cause and fought the Decepticons on Cybertron until his demise. As we witnessed in the War For Cybertron video game, he fought until the end, sacrificing his spark to try and prevent Megatron from achieving his goals. With his passing, Optimus became leader of the Autobots.

This is unofficial, fan-made material using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.

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Without law, all is chaos.”

Sentinel Prime is an imposing figure, standing head and shoulders over the average Autobot. Bristling with some of the most heavy-duty weapons and armor available to the Autobot army has instilled in Sentinel Prime a supreme confidence in his own abilities as both a leader and a fighter. Unfortunately such pride usually precedes a fall, and there will always be someone out there keen to prove a point, or who merely sees Sentinel Prime as an obstacle on the path to a bigger destiny.

Sentinel Prime was Autobot leader for the first 500,000 years of the Great War. Sentinel is typically, but not always, depicted as Optimus Prime's immediate predecessor as Autobot leader.


Bureaucrat, Security: In the years before the dawn of the Great War, Sentinel had worked his way up to becoming the head of security for the Senate; Sentinel Prime's biggest shortcoming is that he leads with his head, a peacetime leader in a time of war. His successor, Optimus Prime, leads with his heart, backed by his fists — a much more suitable combination.


Monolith: Sentinels stands head over shoulders above most Transformers.

Role and Focus

Envoy (Military Attache): This Role and Focus is found in the Field Guide to Action and Adventure.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 8: Brawn +d8, Intimidation +d4, Might +d4

Speed 7: Driving +d4, Initiative +d4, Targeting +d6

Smarts 10: Alertness +d6, Culture +d6, Science +d4, Technology +d4

Social 9: Deception +d4, Performance +d4, Persuasion (Leadership) +d8

Gaining Sentinel Prime As A Contact

Elite Guard Material: Sentinel Prime recruits Underlings that fit a certain mold into his private security force. If a PC officially joins the Elite Guard by succeeding at a DIF 20 Alertness Skill Test, a DIF 20 Culture Skill Test, and a DIF 20 Technology Skill Test in a row without failure, they gain Sentinel Prime as a permanent Contact.

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Allegiance Points: 5

Contact Perks

Cosmic Rust Gun (2 Allegiance Points): Sentinel is armed with a weapon containing cartridges of cosmic rust used to weaken and destroy his enemies. A Threat suffers 1 Acid Damage and 1 Strength Damage and suffers the Paralyzed Condition until they succeed at a DIF 15 Brawn Skill Test.

Impervious Armor (2 Allegiance Point): Sentinel Prime's armor was made of trithyllium alloy impregnated with irradiated carbon fibers, unbreakable short of a precisely-aimed point-blank shot. A PC is resistant to all damage and is immune to critical hits until the beginning of their next turn.

Primax Blade (2 Allegiance Points): Sentinel wades into battle, swinging his double-blades sword through his foes. Up to 3 Threats in the combat scene suffer 1 Sharp Damage.


'Til All Are One!


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