Silverbolt Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)
The contact build for today is the Aerialbot leader: Silverbolt.
This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.
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"Don't look down, look straight ahead."
Silverbolt's character is defined by his extreme fear of heights and by his refusal to bow to it. He constantly struggles to project the image of a brave, determined soldier to hide his fear from others. Optimus Prime named him leader of the Aerialbots in the hopes that worrying about them would give him something else to focus on besides his own phobia. This has proven true and, not surprisingly, the mature, responsible Silverbolt makes an excellent commander.
Gestalt Member, Titanspark: Silverbolt stands taller than the other Aerialbots, symbolizing his commanding presence.
Seeker: Silverbolt assumes the Alt-Mode of a Concord SST jet.
Role and Focus
Field Commander (Team Leader): Despite his fears, Silverbolt is a seasoned and veteran leader for the Aerialbots to follow and admire.
Essence Scores and Skills
Strength 6: Athletics +d4, Brawn +d4, Might +d4
Speed 9: Driving (Aerial) +d8, Initiative +d4, Targeting +d4
Smarts 8: Alertness +d4, Science +d4, Survival (Tracking) +d6
Social 8: Deception +d6, Persuasion (Leadership) +d8
Gaining Silverbolt As A Contact
Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.
Everyone’s Afraid of Something: Silverbolt is constantly struggling with his fear of heights. He works with other Autobots to overcome their personal fears and PTSD suffered from endless millennia of war. If the PCs use their downtime to help Silverbolt with his therapy and counseling of other Autobots, succeeding on three DIF 16 Culture, Persuasion, and Science Skill Tests, they gain Silverbolt as a permanent Contact.
Phobia: If a PC has a phobia or fear as a Hang-Up, and they share this information with Silverbolt in a helpful manner, they gain access to Silverbolt as a one-time temporary Contact.
Allegiance Points: 3
Contact Perks
Bravery (2 Allegiance Points): Silverbolt is constantly fighting against his own fear of heights. If a PC is currently afflicted with the Frightened Condition, the condition is removed. All Threats have a Snag to attempt to use Intimidation or other abilities to inspire fear in others until the end of the next round.
Sonic Boom (3 Allegiance Points): Silverbolt flies over the battlefield at supersonic speed, unleashing a sonic boom over his enemies. All Threats in the combat scene suffer 1 Sonic Damage and are Deafened and Impaired until the end of their turn.
Stay In Formation (1 Allegiance Point): Silverbolt maintains order in his ranks. When the PCs roll for Initiative, they may then choose which PC uses what Initiative number and in what order they act.
'Til All Are One!
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