Groove Contact Build (Transformers Essence20 rpg)

 The contact build for today is the Protectobot: Groove!

This is unofficial, fan-made content using the Transformers Essence20 rpg by Renegade Games Studios.

If you enjoy this content, please help provide for my friend Owen and his fight with cancer.


"War is a problem, never a solution."

Groove is a free spirit, man. A full fuel tank and an open sky above him is all this chopper needs to mellow out and enjoy whatever good vibrations the open road brings his way. One relaxed, easy-going dude, Groove is also a bit of a loner in his soul. He doesn't make a lot of attachments to others, preferring the freedom of an empty highway, but he is always sure to be there with the love when his Protectobot teammates need his help. Groove doesn't like combat or conflict in general, and is always ready to give peace a chance


Community Helper, Gestalt Member: The Protectobots once lived on the colony world of Archon, but as the colony slowly began to fail they succumbed to stasis lock. They remained that way until Omega Supreme chanced across the ruins of the planet and brought them back to Earth. The only way to revive them was through an energon infusion; the Aerialbots volunteered for the process. The Protectobots made a complete recovery and then some: the transfusion had given them the ability to combine! Optimus Prime gave them their own headquarters in Portland, hoping that city life would help them acclimatize to life on Earth while also providing the metropolis with an extra degree of protection.


Champion: Groove assumes the alt-mode of a Honda Goldwing Police Motorcycle.

Role and Focus

Ranger (Scout): This Role and Focus comes from the GIJoe core rulebook. Groove specializes in Urban environments.

Essence Scores and Skills

Strength 4: Athletics +d4, Brawn +d4

Speed 5: Driving +d4, Infiltration +d2, Initiative +d2, Targeting +d2

Smarts 9: Alertness +d4, Culture +d6, Survival (Urban) +d6

Social 5: Persuasion +d4, Streetwise +d6

Gaining Groove As A Contact

Fellow Autobot: If this Contact is on scene, the PCs can summon them for 1 round.

Pacifist: Groove dislikes the war and seeks out like-minded individuals who would prefer to put their energy to other accomplishments than fighting. If the PCs spend their downtime  with Groove, discussing how to better end the war peacefully, and succeeding on three DIF 15 Culture and Persuasion Skill Tests, they gain Groove as a permanent Contact.

Allegiance Points: 3

Contact Perks

Evacuate Bystanders (2 Allegiance Points): When battles begin, Groove looks to protect the innocent above all other considerations. All innocent bystanders are safely removed from the combat scene.

Gimme the Open Road (1 Allegiance Point): Groove has scouted the area out and knows every back alley and access road. A PC gains an Edge with their next Survival (Urban) or Streetwise (Transportation) Skill Test.

Twin Vaporators (3 Allegiance Points): Groove slows down the enemies with his freezing mists. Select a 30-ft radius area. All Threats in this area suffer 1 Stun and are Immobilized until the end of their turn.


Til All Are One!


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